It may be time to revisit your concealed carry policies at your workplace. Back in late December 2016, Senate Bill 199 proposed amendments to Ohio law to expand the area so that an individual with a…
On February 1st of each year, most employers are required to have completed and posted the OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in their workplace. The OSHA 300 Log remains…
As of January 22nd, employers must now use the revised Form I-9 to verify the identity and work eligibility of every new employee. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] released the…
The overall effectiveness of the performance review discussion can be greatly enhanced if specific guidelines are followed. Below are a few guidelines to consider for administering your performance…
You may find yourself asking “Why is developing the performance review so significant?” A performance review can easily have a long-term impact on your employee’s: Perception of job performance…
Have you checked to see if you need to update your workplace postings? Certain federal and state laws require employers to post laws and regulations regarding employee rights in the workplace.…
The State of Ohio has released its new Minimum Wage poster for 2017. Ohio employers are required to post this in a conspicuous place where the employees can see the poster easily. Visit Ohio.…
On behalf of the team at Organizational Architecture, we hope you have a fun and relaxing holiday season. See you in the New Year! We’ll have more interesting and useful information to help…
With it being the holiday season and end of the year, throwing a holiday party for your employees is a great way to show appreciation for how hard everyone has worked and that you really care about…
Do you have a memo ready to send out to your employees for an upcoming company holiday party this year? If not, here are some suggestions from the Society of Human Resource Management of what to…