Certain employers that are subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and meet other specific requirements must submit their EEO-1 Survey to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission…
Organizational Architecture offers training and development consulting services in the forms of leadership and change management initiatives, training and coaching workshops, competency assessment,…
In last month’s update, we reviewed the duties test for the Executive exemption and will now be moving on to the Administrative exemption [the current Fact Sheet still reflects the OLD salary…
As we reported on May 19, 2016, the new overtime rules go into effect December 1, 2016 [only 3 months away!]. This means that employers will need to ensure that employees who make below the…
Starting with a well written job description can become your cornerstone to effective people management. It will be the go-to resource for both employees and managers when discussing performance,…
Job descriptions are often neglected or misused within organizations. Sometimes the job description gets filled with too much information, creating an overwhelming document that becomes useless to…
The US Department of Labor [DOL] has released revisions to the Fair Labor Standards Act [FLSA] and Employee Polygraph Protection Act [EPPA] workplace posters. Employers must replace current posters…
What else do you need besides a good employee handbook to manage HR effectively in smaller businesses? Other basic tools are Position descriptions Job postings for recruiting…
Just because you work in a small or mid-size company, doesn’t mean your human resources challenges are any smaller than those of a large company! We often find that smaller companies can manage…
We’re proud that Cody Bees, Project Specialist at Organizational Architecture, has earned his certification as a SHRM Certified Professional [SHRM-CP] through the Society for Human Resources…