Our latest success story highlights our talent acquisition and recruiting services and how we have successfully helped library trustees when they need to appoint a new library director. Oberlin Public Library in Oberlin, Ohio is committed to their mission of informing, educating, inspiring, and entertaining. They strive to create an environment where civic engagement, learning, and literacy thrive. In addition to the Library, they operate The Bridge, a community technology center. The Bridge provides free internet and computer access and educational classes to help bridge the digital divide within the community. We were pleased to help them select David Fausnaugh as their new director. The Oberlin Review had a nice article about David and his excitement about his new role. Our library consulting projects include professional librarians with extensive library management and operations experience. This ensures the solutions we recommend are anchored in the realities of leading a public library system. Organizational Architecture is the trusted partner for dozens of public libraries for human resources consulting, recruiting, performance management, and leadership development. Of course, we also help with the recruiting needs of nonprofit and private-sector organizations as well. If you need help in any of these areas, contact us and check out other success stories to learn more.