It has been our privilege to work with a number of public library systems by helping them find their next Library Director, Fiscal Officer, or Human Resources leader. As these are high-profile and critical positions in your Library, you need a partner with proven library recruiting expertise in sourcing qualified candidates and facilitating the screening and selection process. We bring a unique perspective to our work because we have experience in all Human Resources disciplines as well as recruiting, which means you get:
  • Years of experience recruiting executive-level talent and knowing how to locate and engage with top talent.
  • A sensible approach to engaging with the labor market for talent, whether through our broad network of library and public-sector professionals or using the newest technology tools to connect with talent.
  • Experience working with Library senior management, trustees, and community stakeholders to ensure all constituencies who have input are heard.
  • A diverse pool of talent reflecting the needs of your community, staff, and other stakeholders.
  • Guidance on how to develop a job description so that you can clearly convey what the role is about.
  • Accurate compensation data based on our extensive experience benchmarking library positions so that you know what an appropriate compensation package should look like.
  • Providing you with a robust screening and selection process so that you are learning the most about candidates and how they would be successful in the role.
  • Assistance with making the offer, negotiating with the finalist/s, and recommending best practices for orientation and onboarding.
  • Providing tools to set expectations and assist you with coaching and performance management.
Our library clients include
  • Clermont County Public Library
  • Cleveland Public Library
  • Cuyahoga County Public Library
  • Delaware County District Library
  • Stark Library
  • Stow – Munroe Falls Public Library
  • Tiffin – Seneca Public Library
  • Toledo Lucas County Public Library
  • Westerville Public Library
  • Wickliffe Public Library
  • Ohio Library Council
We understand libraries’ unique workplace dynamics, trends in librarianship, the challenges libraries face, and what the future holds.  We are members in the American Library Association/Public Library Association [ALA/PLA], Ohio Library Council [OLC], Michigan Library Association [MLA], Ohio Government Finance Officers Association [OHGFOA], and the International Public Management Association for Human Resources [IPMA-HR]. To have an exploratory conversation to understand our process and experience with library recruiting and answer your questions, take a look at our success stories, and then contact us!