Workplace accidents can be costly no matter how minor they may be. When safety procedures are not followed and accidents occur, the financial impact to your organization can be staggering. Workplace accidents are generally classified as either employee or customer. Some of the consequences of employee accidents include:
  • Personal hardships [pain and suffering]
  • Loss of work
  • Reduced productivity
  • Poor employee morale
  • Increased unnecessary costs to the organization [medical expenses, increased worker’s compensations, and increased insurance premiums]
Some consequences associated with customer accidents include:
  • Poor company reputation
  • Decreased customer satisfaction
  • Reduced repeat business and referrals
  • Potential litigation.
Over 90% of workplace accidents are caused by unsafe acts or conditions. The most common causes of injury to employees and customers include:
  • Improper handling of objects [lifting, pushing, pulling, etc.]
  • Falls [standing in chairs, wet floors, tripping over objects, poor housekeeping, etc.]
  • Struck by falling objects [items from shelves, hangers on the wall, etc.]
  • Running into objects [boxes, furniture, equipment, glass windows, etc.]
  • Improper body movement [stooping, bending, twisting, etc.]
  • Contact with electricity
In order to control accidents, you must be able to recognize unsafe acts and conditions and understand the appropriate action needed to eliminate the hazard. Watch for new postings on workforce strategy here on our blog, as well as FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.