OA offers a variety of workshops to support your organization. Each program is adapted to align with your culture and program needs. Whether you are looking for in-person facilitated workshops or something technology-based that meets your staff when and where it’s best for them, our programs get results because of our unique approach to leverage other HR systems to support training activities and outcomes. Programs we offer include:
  • Coaching for Optimal Performance
  • Conduct in the Workplace
  • Conducting Productive Meetings
  • Customer Service
  • Developing and Administering Effective Performance Reviews
  • Diversity, Inclusion, and Understanding Different Communities
  • Effective Communication
  • Effective Delegation Practices
  • Effective Selling
  • Harassment Awareness
  • Leadership and Teambuilding
  • LinkedIn for Your Career
  • Performance Management
  • Problem Solving Strategies
  • Recruiting, Interviewing, and Selection
  • Resolving Workplace Conflict
  • Successful Supervision
  • Successful Training Principles
  • Succession Planning
We can also provide customized workshops to meet your unique needs. Download our training and development services booklet to learn more. Contact us to learn how we can help with your HR consulting and project needs, including training and organizational development…we’ll be pleased to share with you how our work has exceeded our clients’ expectations.