Although many of our clients are familiar with our Human Resources consulting expertise, we are still surprised that not many realize we also help our clients find top talent. But we do!  We have helped many organizations…whether they are for-profit, not-for-profit, or public sector fill critical roles.  Here is a sample of just some of the roles we have helped organizations fill: For-profit
  • Head of Operations for a manufacturing and assembly company
  • Head of Operations for an OTC pharmaceutical company
  • Client Relations Associates for a financial services firm
  • Head of Human Resources for a utility vegetation management company
  • Controller for an insurance brokerage
  • Head of Human Resources for a law firm
  • Electrical and structural engineers for an engineering and architecture firm
  • Executive Director for a state-wide professional association
  • Executive Director for a civil rights organization
  • Executive Director for a cultural organization
Public sector / public libraries
  • Library Directors
  • Fiscal Officers
  • Heads of Human Resources
Additionally, we have augmented our clients’ internal talent acquisition teams with contract recruiters who sourced, screened, and recommended candidates for tough-to-fill positions. Our talent acquisition success stories have even more information on our recruitment work for our clients, including consulting projects to help them improve their talent acquisition activities and processes.  The team of Ryan and Mark bring tried-and-true recruitment and assessment processes combined with many years of talent acquisition experience. Additionally, they enhance their recruitment capabilities by drawing on other Human Resources disciplines such as compensation and rewards, performance management, and leadership development. Helping you find and keep top talent is what we are all about.  Find out more about how we help our clients by checking out our updates on our website and on FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.