
HR departments increasingly rely on external vendors for services like recruitment, training, and payroll management. To ensure these partnerships are effective and aligned with your organization’s needs, it’s crucial to manage vendors strategically. Here are five essential steps to help HR departments master vendor management.


  1. Set Clear Goals Before Engaging Vendors: Before you even begin looking for vendors, it's essential to set clear, measurable goals. What specific outcomes do you need to achieve? Whether it’s improving recruitment efficiency or enhancing employee benefits, these goals should be well-defined and aligned with your organization’s overall objectives. Importantly, do not rely on vendors to structure the services or define outcomes for you. Establishing your goals first ensures that any vendor you engage will be focused on meeting your specific needs, rather than offering generic solutions.

  2. Select Vendors Based on Alignment with Your Goals: When selecting vendors, prioritize those who demonstrate a strong ability to meet your pre-defined goals. Conduct a thorough evaluation of potential vendors, looking beyond just their capabilities to how well their services align with your objectives. Ask potential vendors how they plan to help you achieve your goals and request specific examples of similar successful partnerships. This ensures that you choose a vendor who is not only qualified but also fully aligned with your performance expectations.

  3. Develop Contracts with Specific Performance Measures: Contracts should be more than just legal agreements; they should serve as blueprints for success. Include clearly defined performance measures that are directly tied to your goals. For example, if improving response times is a priority, ensure that this is a key metric in your Service Level Agreement (SLA). By setting specific performance benchmarks, you establish a clear framework for evaluating the vendor’s effectiveness and holding them accountable.

  4. Maintain Active Oversight and Regular Communication: Don’t assume that vendors will automatically meet your expectations without guidance. Regularly monitor their performance against the metrics outlined in your contract and maintain open lines of communication. Schedule regular meetings to review progress, address any issues, and make adjustments as needed. This proactive approach ensures that the vendor remains focused on your goals and allows for quick resolution of any problems that may arise.

  5. Plan for Contingencies and Periodically Review Vendor Performance: No vendor relationship is without risk, so it's vital to have contingency plans in place. This might involve identifying backup vendors or establishing an in-house alternative. Additionally, periodically review the vendor’s performance and reassess your goals. As your organization evolves, your needs may change, requiring adjustments in your vendor management strategy. Regular reviews ensure that your partnerships continue to deliver value and remain aligned with your objectives.


Effective vendor management requires setting clear goals from the outset, selecting vendors based on their alignment with those goals, and maintaining rigorous oversight. By not relying on vendors to structure services or outcomes, HR departments can ensure that their vendor relationships are productive and contribute meaningfully to the organization’s success.


OA has deep experience with vendor selection and management. Want to know more? Contact us!