Are you a Human Resources consultant or contractor? Are you interested in consulting or contracting engagements? Organizational Architecture is always looking for talent to assist with consulting engagements or working as onsite HR contractors for our clients. Our clients have needs for
  • Part time HR generalists
  • Recruiters
  • Trainers
If you...
  • Are analytical, detail-oriented, effective at solving problems, and finding solutions
  • Are effective working autonomously
  • Possess an understanding current tools and technology and can use them effectively
  • Have above average skills using MS Excel
  • Have at least 10 years of experience with HR disciplines such as Employee Relations, Compensation, Benefits, Training/Development, Recruitment, Organizational Design, HRIS, or employment law
...we'd love to connect!...please send your current resume or practice summary to me at so we can learn more about your project work and experience. Learn more about Organizational Architecture’s work here and connect with us on social media on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Looking forward to connecting with you!