All of the benefits from employee training may not be as obvious as you might think. When an effective training process is in place, employees benefit through:
  • Improved teamwork
  • A better relationship with their supervisor
  • More enjoyable working conditions
  • Reduced stress
  • Freedom from workplace boredom.
And those are just to name a few. It is the manager’s responsibility to demonstrate how training will benefit employees. When training is presented in the proper manner and the benefits explained, employees will want to be trained. Employees are not the only ones who benefit from thorough, ongoing training. The company and customers benefit too.  Here’s how: Providing ongoing training benefits the company by:
  • Saving on expenses, because employees know how to perform their responsibilities properly.
  • Operating more efficiently, due to reduced non-revenue customer returns.
  • Experiencing fewer staffing concerns, due to reduced turnover.
  • Having the ability to retain established customers and attract new ones.
When customers are assisted by knowledgeable employees who are well-versed about the features and benefits of available products and services, they will:
  • Feel more confident that the best products/services have been recommended.
  • Be more apt to purchase recommended products or services.
  • Be less likely to return products.
  • Formulate favorable impressions about their purchasing experience.
  • Remain loyal to the company.
As everyone in the business world knows, most companies only get one chance to impress a customer. Therefore, it is critical that your employees are thoroughly trained and prepared to provide excellent customer service. Watch for more postings on workforce strategy from Organizational Architecture. You can also visit us online at