Organizational Architecture can provide you with short-term contract assistance in your HR department, whether your need is: HR administration…we can provide professionals well-versed in HR administration to help with new hire orientation, benefits enrollment, workers’ compensation, leave of absence administration, and other tasks. HR specialist…if your need is for a seasoned specialist, our professionals bring deep experience in
  • Recruitment
  • Training and development
  • Investigations
  • Compensation
  • Employee relations
  • and many others…
Project manager…maybe you have a major HR project to implement.  We can provide you with experienced HR talent to serve as your project manager to assist in a number of focused areas, such as system implementations, development of specific training and development programs, policy and procedure development, ad-hoc compensation assistance, or any number of other HR activities. Organizational Architecture can also provide oversight and guidance to the HR contractor, allowing you to focus on other parts of your business. Contact us to learn more how we can help. Learn more about Organizational Architecture’s work here and connect with us on social media on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Looking forward to connecting with you!