Organizational Architecture can conduct an analysis of your current performance management system and provide recommendations to enhance your system. We recently assisted a local not-for-profit with a performance management system review.  First we started by reviewing and analyzing their current performance evaluation system, including written forms, instructions, training process, administration, and development plans. After reviewing their current performance management system, we made recommendations to enhance their current system. Our recommendation included providing them with a new performance review format and training on how to develop, deliver, and track their employees’ performance reviews in an organized and efficient manner. Not only has this provided a more efficient way for managers and supervisors to complete their performance reviews, it also provides a way to integrate the performance management system with their talent review and succession planning system to identify and prioritize training and development needs from across the entire organization. Contact us for more information on our performance management consulting services and watch for updates on our other human resources consulting services on our blog, as well as FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.