You may find yourself asking “Why is developing the performance review so significant?”. A performance review can easily have a long-term impact on your employees, so here are some factors to keep in mind when developing your performance review:
  • Perception of job performance.
  • Growth and development.
  • Ability to be motivated to perform job requirements.
  • Capability to be retained.
  • Capacity to modify behavior to achieve desired business results.
  • Salary increases.
  • Future promotions.
Careful development is crucial, as a poorly written performance review could result in serious long-term ramifications. Another important part of the performance review development process is your employee’s self-evaluation. The self-evaluation provides an opportunity for your employee to evaluate their performance from a personal perspective. A near consensus of the two review forms should exist if you have provided ongoing coaching and performance feedback throughout the review period. Should differences be anticipated, be prepared to discuss. Observe the following guidelines for effective self-evaluations:
  • Allow sufficient preparation time for each performance review.
  • Distribute a copy of the performance review to each employee before being reviewed.
  • Explain the importance of the self-evaluation process to each employee.
  • Define how performance is evaluated (i.e., exceeds, meets, does not meet expectations).
  • Review performance review form completion steps with each employee.
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