When it comes to making delegation decisions, consider what to do yourself versus what to delegate and who to select. Your decisions will determine, in part, whether the assignments you delegate are successfully completed. There are some managerial functions that you should never delegate. These include:
  • Tasks that deal with confidential information.
  • Personnel issues, such as hiring, payroll, conflict resolution, disciplinary action, loss prevention situations, or performance evaluations.
  • Recognition of good performance.
  • Decisions impacting the business objectives of the organization.
Keep in mind that a routine task for you is often a growth opportunity for an employee. You should delegate tasks whenever:
  • Your personal attention or direct supervision is not required.
  • It is not time or cost effective for you to complete the task.
  • You have someone with the knowledge and expertise to perform the task.
  • The experience of performing the task would help develop an employee.
When delegating, as with hiring, a critical success factor involves selecting the best person for the job. What you are delegating can help determine to whom the task should be delegated. To select the right individual and ensure they are set up for success, you should:
  • Think about the complexity and/or scope of the task.
  • Consider the skills and experience of the employee.
  • Strive to match assignments to individuals with related expertise.
  • Take into account their current workload.
  • Select employees who handle responsibility well and have demonstrated their reliability.
  • Delegate larger, more complex tasks to experience employees.
  • Provide closer supervision when delegating tasks to inexperienced or new employees.
As a manager or supervisor, it is your responsibility to develop the effectiveness of your team and your locations. Talk with your manager to discuss specific guidelines or questions you may have regarding the delegation of specific tasks. Watch for new postings on workforce strategy here on our blog, as well as FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.